Altar Sets

Although one may assemble a complete set of ritual implements by purchasing them individually, it is also possible to purchase pre-assembled sets of basic ritual items. This is particularly useful for individuals first beginning to explore a spiritual path, who not only are not yet certain what is right for them, but also may easily become overwhelmed by the variety of choices available.

The choice between pre-assembled altar sets and individual ritual implements does not have to be mutually exclusive. A person may choose to buy an altar set with some basics and supplement it with individual pieces, or may subsequently decide to substitute items of one's own choosing for an item in a set that does not fit particularly well in one's hand or with the particular path one is following.

Caution: some altar sets include herbs, essential oils, and other substances that can be dangerous if ingested or used improperly. Be sure to have the guidance of a qualified teacher in the spiritual tradition you are following before utilizing these substances in spiritual work.

Complete Altar Set with Hand-blended Herbs

This thirteen-piece starter set includes all the basics that are necessary for elementary rituals, including an athame, cauldron, incense burner and candle stick and candles, incense and herbs.

Altar Set (Complete) with Incense, Oil and Gemstone

A slightly different combination of items will be found in this starter kit, but it too contains all the basics you need to set up a home altar for rituals or meditation.

Last updated March 5, 2010.